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I know it’s probably a good sign that they are mature, but it makes me jealous and paranoid. is good friends with a number of their exes. (That is a baseball pun just for my older brother. I will not – while I am sure you’re lovely, I already have a husband, and a boyfriend in the on-dick circle.

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“You can douche all of the bottoms some of the time, and some of the bottoms all of the time, but you can’t douche all of the bottoms all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln The oceans will rise and the planet will bake and we will be arguing about whether “cake” can be a pronoun as the meteor hurtles toward earth. And it’s going to be even more confusing than it is now, and everybody is going to get everybody else’s orientations, pronouns, and flags wrong all the time, and absolutely everybody is going to be upset with absolutely everyone else, all the time. In the future everyone will have their own niche sexual orientation for 15 minutes – and their own neo-pronoun and their own pride flag. Do you think we will keep seeing significant changes in sexual-orientation-self-labeling in the future?

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